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Patient Voices: Stories from Roffey Park


Stories from Roffey Park

This workshop aimed to create stories from a range of staff.

Six am
This is Tony’s story, created at a Patient Voices workshop at Roffey Park in June 2015.

Barnaby’s great achievements
This is Barnaby’s story, created at a Patient Voices workshop at Roffey Park in June 2015.

That call, and that office
This is Laura’s story, created at a Patient Voices workshop at Roffey Park in June 2015.

Finding me
This is Janice’s story, created at a Patient Voices workshop at Roffey Park in June 2015.

Where is Daddy’s pool at work?
This is Jo’s story, created at a Patient Voices workshop at Roffey Park in June 2015.

This is Michael’s story, created at a Patient Voices workshop at Roffey Park in June 2015.

More than 90 minutes…
This is Nigel’s story, created at a Patient Voices workshop at Roffey Park in June 2015.

This I know
This is Sue’s story, created at a Patient Voices workshop at Roffey Park in June 2015.

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